[Blog] Latino Network: Support the Early Childhood Equity Fund
Please join us this April 18th in Salem, Oregon to support SVP Investee Latino Network and the new legislation they are proposing, HB 3069, The Early Child Equity Fund. The Fund is an important step towards closing the kindergarten readiness gap for children of color in our community.
Why does the Equity Fund matter?
In Oregon, 36.5% of babies born are children of color, and that number is growing. Those families need access to programs that meet their language and cultural needs. Culturally specific programs have proven their ability support school readiness and stability. They also excel at recruiting and retaining families of color and families that do not speak English. Funding for these programs is a missing puzzle piece in preparing the diverse children in our community for the K-12 system.
Where’s the proof?
Latino Network’s program, Juntos Aprendemos, is a shining example of the benefits of culturally-driven programming. Here are a few of the successes the Latino Network’s dedicated team have achieved:
84% of children in the program increased their recognition of written letters.
85% entered kindergarten with an increased ability to match letters with their sounds.
89% of children in the program increased their ability to count.
92% entered kindergarten with an increased ability to match numbers and quantities.
95% of parents report reading with their children at least 3 times per week.
100% of children registered for kindergarten on time.
The Early Childhood Equity Fund will enable programs like Juntos Aprendemos to expand their reach and resources. It is an important step towards closing the opportunity gap for Oregon’s children of color.
The hearing for HB 3069 will be held at the Oregon State Capitol Building, Hearing Room D at 1:00pm in Salem. Please consider attending or writing a letter to show your support. We’ve created a sample letter here, which you can use as a template!
See the original article here.