Sagarika Ravishankar

Sagarika Ravishankar
Content Marketing Strategist and Writer




I’m a digital marketing specialist focused in social media and content marketing with an interest in building effective digital communities. Since 2014, I've been helping businesses create, organize and grow their social media and content marketing efforts. I also do freelance work and consultation for businesses seeking to expand their digital voices and footprints.

When I’m not at work, I love writing (I'm currently working on a fiction novel), hiking, reading, and traveling as much as possible. I have been to 23 countries so far, and I have no intention of slowing down!



Are you looking for my all-fun no-work blog?

I’ve got two blogs, but they’re technically one. They were separated for a long time, but they finally decided to make a commitment to each other. Now, my professional nerdiness and my whimsical epicureanism can be found in the same-ish place!

One side documents my wannabe expeditious wanderlust lifestyle, including book and restaurant reviews, opinions nobody asked for, short stories, poems, love stories to makeup and clothing. The other is a documentation of my professional journey, and all of my observations, best practices, etcetera etcetera, etcetera (If you didn’t hear The King and I, I’m disappointed in you). Click this button to see my personal blog!